
Data Logger Manual

The Logger is a serial data storage device capable of storing two, four or eight 16-bit values per record by 16380 records. The logger was designed to accomodate PLC users who have internal data that needs to be archived for later analysis. All timing, and date stamping is determined by the PLC program. The logger simply stores what it is sent. The storage capacity represents 56 days of data at 5 minute intervals, longer or shorter if the PLC decides so. If the PLC has a real time clock, the time and date can be formatted and used to show when the values were recorded (This takes two 16 bit records to store the time and date).

A generic Excel spreadsheet with a serial communications macro is included to make saving the archived data easy. Hitting one button on the sheet will dump all of the saved data directly into the spreadsheet for further calculation, analysis, and graphing. Data can also be retrieved using almost any terminal program, and saved to a text file.

The serial Data Logger Module fits into a plastic channel, which can be mounted directly to a panel or on a 35mm rail (with the appropriate brackets). The serial input connects to a serial port on the PLC, and the serial out connects to a laptop or other computer when the stored data is to be retrieved.


Specifications Item
Power 9-24 volts DC and draws less than 20mA
Type of Serial Port RS232
PLC Serial Input 9600bps, 8 Data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control
Excel Data Dump 19,200bps, 8 Data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control
Terminal Data Dump 9600bps, 8 Data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control
Memory 16,380 16-bit records
Part Number DL232-16k


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